Leadership in 21st century

Leadership in 21st century has changed at mass level from the last few centuries . There have many changes noticed in the leaders of modern era .  The principles on which the present leadership is based is that everyone can lead because everyone can serve however earlier only few popular  faces were present with the opportunity to lead . Moreover , nowadays the people are the most important and valuable resource of an  enterprise as in previous centuries people were not given importance and the  leaders work as dictators in the older days . The feelings and thoughts of people were not considered and people were usually denoted as of low level.

Imagination and vision are major tasks lead by leaders for the success but myths and written rules were more preferable in the last centuries as leaders were afraid of experimentation and always work o used ideas . In the present time there is no particular type of leadership style as the outcome is more preferred than the process. In addition to this nowadays the leadership roles are converging as earlier these were not converging but diverging . Other than this , love is the highest level of leadership relationship . So leadership has undergone numerous changes from the past .



  1. What revolution has arised for low level workers in the 21st century??????

    1. Their ideas are also taken In the decision making Proceas Workplace satisfaction and High performance

    2. Their ideas are also taken In the decision making Proceas Workplace satisfaction and High performance


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